Buying and selling real estate can be frustrating and exhausting; Aqeel is here to make that experience as smooth as possible. Aqeel's philosophy is to do the best job for the client. He aspires to treat every customer with the respect they deserve and pay careful attention to each of their needs and wants. Through listening and sincerely embracing the needs of each customer, more often than not he is able to close the deal.
Aqeel is results, detail, and client-experience-focused demanding excellence. Whether it be marketing your home or making sure all your documentation is in order, Aqeel Durrani is here to provide the personal service you expect from an individual with the support you expect from a team. He also has invaluable working relationships with other professionals in real estate and related industries such as title companies, attorneys, lenders, movers, contractors, landscapers, and others, which YOU can benefit from. He focuses on Clear Lake City, Seabrook, League City, Kemah, Dickinson, Friendswood, Pearland, Galveston, and the entire Greater Clear Lake/Houston Bay area.
Realtor® Aqeel is dedicated to personal service by doing the best job for his clients when buying or selling real estate. Aqeel's goal is to create clients for life with an experience that's worthy of your personal referrals! Call Aqeel today and you will be glad that you did!!